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Tajikistan in 2022 generated a record amount of electricity over the years of independence

25 января 2023
Views: 333

According to the head of the republic, the volume of electricity production reached

21.4 billion kWh.

The volume of electricity produced in Tajikistan in 2022 amounted to 21.4 billion kWh, which was the highest figure since the country's independence. This was announced on Tuesday by the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon at an expanded government meeting.

"In 2022, the electricity production reached 21.4 billion kWh, which is the highest figure for the period of independence and a significant achievement," the president's press service quotes the words.

To eliminate shortcomings in the energy sector, the head of state instructed the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, the energy holding "Barki Tojik" and          JSC "Distribution Electric Networks" to ensure the implementation of the project to reduce electricity losses in the country in a timely manner.

Tajikistan generates 98% of its electricity from hydroelectric power plants. The reserves of its hydropower resources are estimated at 527 billion kWh per year. Over the 30 years of independence of the republic, 287 large and small hydroelectric power plants, 50 substations have been built and modernized, 75% of the energy infrastructure of Tajikistan has been reconstructed.

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