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Tajikistan increased electricity production in the first half of 2023

04 августа 2023
Views: 118

Tajikistan produced about 10.7 billion kWh of electricity from January to June 2023, which is 3.3% more than at the same period last year.

According to a report from the Statistical Agency of Tajikistan, about 95% of electricity was produced by hydroelectric power plants, while the remaining percentage came from thermal power plants and small solar plants.

It should be noted that at present the government of Tajikistan is actively engaged in the construction of the country's key energy project - the Rogun hydroelectric power station (HPP).

According to Tajik Prime Minister Kokhir Rasulzoda, the Rogun HPP will have  capacity of 3.6 GW and 335-meter-high dam. The Rogun HPP will allow exporting electricity from Tajikistan to neighboring countries.

Recall that according to the Ministry of Energy of Tajikistan, in 2022 the country produced a record amount of electricity - approximately 21.4 billion kWh, which is the highest figure since independence. The country's hydropower resources are estimated at 527 billion kWh per year.

Over the past 30 years, Tajikistan has built and upgraded 287 large and small hydroelectric power plants and 50 substations, as well as reconstructed 75% of its energy infrastructure.

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