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Tajikistan launched a new five-year regional energy program "USAID - Energy of Central Asia"

01 июня 2021
Views: 942

Tajikistan launched a new five-year regional energy program "USAID - Energy of Central Asia" with a budget of $ 39 million.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), within the framework of this program, will assist five Central Asian countries in achieving priority national energy goals, according to the US Embassy in Dushanbe.

In addition, the program aims to “generate economic benefits from cross-border energy trade and improve energy security through greater regional integration”.

It is noted that Central Asia has rich renewable energy sources, including hydropower.

The hydropower potential of Tajikistan is estimated at 527 billion kWh per year.

According to this indicator, Tajikistan ranks eighth in the world, after China, Russia, the United States, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, India and Canada.

In terms of its hydropower resources export potential (497 billion kWh), Tajikistan ranks third in the world, behind are only Russia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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