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Tajikistan resumed electricity supply to Uzbekistan.

07 мая 2020
Views: 581

Tajikistan resumed electricity supply to Uzbekistan.

So far, the supply of Tajik electricity to the neighboring country is carried out in small volumes and only by means of two 220 kilovolt lines, said the source in the energy bloc of the government of the country.
In the near future, the supply of electricity to Uzbekistan will increase in times, and 500 kilovolt lines will be used, the source noted.
According to him, until the countries reached a final agreement on the prices of Tajik electricity supplied to Uzbekistan.
We remind that the export of Tajik electricity to the neighboring state was stopped at the beginning of December last year due to the onset of cold and in order to meet the internal needs of the republic.
According to previous agreements, Dushanbe exports electricity to Tashkent only in the period from April to October, when the internal needs of Tajikistan are fully met.

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