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Tajikistan resumes export of electricity to Afghanistan

10 сентября 2020
Views: 476

Barki Tojik OJSC has resumed electricity supplies to neighboring Afghanistan, said “the head of the press service of the Tajik energy holding, Nozir Yodgori.

According to him, supplies to Afghanistan resumed in connection with the filling of the Nurek reservoir and improvement of the situation with energy supply.

"At the moment, Afghanistan receives up to 1.3 million kWh daily," he said.

 Also "Barki Tojik" is considering the issue of resuming the supply of electricity to Uzbekistan.

Recall that Tajikistan suspended electricity exports in July this year. The government linked this measure to a drop in water inflow in the Vakhsh River and, accordingly, to problems in filling the Nurek reservoir.

On September 3, “Barki Tojik” announced the filling of the Nurek reservoir.

According to “Barki Tojik”, 546.6 million kWh of electricity were exported to Afghanistan for the six months of this year, and 358.3 million kWh to Uzbekistan.

In 2019, exports to Afghanistan amounted to 1 billion 458.2 million kWh of electricity (worth $ 60.6 million), and to Uzbekistan - 1 billion 425.1 million kWh of electricity (worth $ 28.5 million).

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