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Tajikistan significantly increased electricity exports in August

20 сентября 2023
Views: 119

Tajikistan exported electricity in August of this year in the amount of over $22.2 million, the country's statistical agency reports. This is $3.2 million and $5.5 million more than in July and June of this year, respectively.

In general, over the eight months of this year, Tajikistan received more than $85.1 million from electricity exports, which is 3% more than the same period in 2022.

Contracts for the supply of Tajik electricity at the beginning of this year were concluded with electricity companies in only two countries - Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.

These countries receive electricity in the summer pre-agreed amounts.

The increase in Tajik electricity exports is most likely due to previously unplanned supplies to Kazakhstan.

The fact is that on August 25 of this year, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, during the visit of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon to Astana, thanked the Tajik leader for the supply of water and electricity.

Let us remind you that the countries of Central Asia last summer faced a shortage of electricity due to abnormal heat.

Residents of the Sughd region of Tajikistan complained about the lack of electricity, among others.

Local authorities and representatives of electric power companies categorically denied the introduction of the limit, explaining the outages with the standard phrase - “maintenance and repair activities.”

At the end of July, the leadership of the Ministry of Energy of Tajikistan reported that the problem was due to the fact that due to abnormally hot weather, pumping stations to meet the needs for irrigation water in Sogd began to work more intensively.

The energy supply situation in the region was resolved only in early August through supplies from Uzbekistan.

According to the Ministry of Energy, from August 1, a new power transmission line connected the power grids of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the southwestern direction.

With the launch of this line, according to preliminary agreements between power engineers of the two countries, electricity supplies from Uzbekistan to Sogd began in parallel, which contributed to the complete energy supply of the northern region.

Let us note that on the territory of Sogd there are no sufficient capacities to supply the region with energy.

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