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Tajikistan will continue financing the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power plant

09 февраля 2022
Views: 520

Tajikistan will continue financing the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power plant, Tajik Finance Minister Fayziddin Kakhhorzoda said at a press conference in Dushanbe.

Thus, in 2022, the Tajik authorities intend to allocate 2.5 billion somoni (about $221 million) for the construction of the country's largest hydroelectric power plant.

The minister recalled that last year, a total of 3.4 billion somoni was spent on the construction of the Rogun HPP, taking into account the funds allocated from the state budget and raised funding.

Compared to 2021, funding has increased by about 10%.

2.1 billion somoni were allocated from the state budget of the country for the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station in 2021, and 2.2 billion somoni of state funds were spent on this project in 2020.


Rogun HPP is located 110 km east of Dushanbe, its design capacity is 13.1 billion kWh per year. The projected height of the dam is 330 meters, the volume of the reservoir is 13.3 billion cubic meters.

The first unit (Unit No. 6) of the Rogun HPP was launched in November 2018. The second unit of the plant was put into operation in September 2019.

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