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Taras Kupchikov, Chairman of the EC EPC CIS, visited the Central Dispatch Board, Haghtanak Substation and Armenian NPP as part of his visit to the Republic of Armenia

03 июля 2023
Views: 204

During his visit to the Republic of Armenia on June 28-29, 2023, Taras Kupchikov, Chairman of the EC EPC CIS, held a number of meetings with the heads of systemically important companies on the most pressing issues of developing multilateral and bilateral cooperation in the electric power industry, and also visited key energy facilities.

On June 28, within the framework of the meeting with Mnatsakan Mnatsakanyan, Director General of Electricity System Operator CJSC, the current status of the implementation of the Iran-Armenia-Georgia-Russia energy corridor project, issues of resuming the parallel operation of the energy systems of Russia and Armenia through Georgia, prospects for working with Turkey, as well as prospects for the development of RES.

The parties also discussed issues of training and professional retraining of personnel, as well as the possibility of organizing training for dispatchers - employees of CJSC Electric Power System Operator with the assistance of the EC EPC CIS. The EC EPC CIS, delegation visited the Central Dispatch Board of the electric power system of the Republic of Armenia and got acquainted with the specifics of the work of the system operator.

On June 29, a delegation of the EC EPC CIS, visited the Haghtanak (Victory) high-voltage substation, reconstructed in 2019, which, taking into account its contribution to ensuring the stability of power supply to consumers in the center of Yerevan and the southern regions and reducing the number of emergency shutdowns due to equipment failure, is a clear example of effective international cooperation in the infrastructure sector.

Taras Kupchikov, accompanied by Deputy General Director, Chief Engineer of High-Voltage Electric Networks of Armenia CJSC Razmik Khachatryan, examined the equipment of the facility and got acquainted with the technologies used. The parties discussed issues of personnel training and staff development,

Within the framework of visiting the Armenian NPP and getting acquainted with the only nuclear power facility in the world that continues to operate after the earthquake, Taras Kupchikov discussed with NPP Director Movses Vardanyan the prospects for the development of nuclear energy in Armenia, the role of the Armenian NPP in the energy system, issues of education and training, as well as prospects for the development of the object.

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