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Taras Kupchikov discussed with Gnel Sanosyan the resumption of parallel operation of the energy systems of Russia and Armenia, the construction of a nuclear power plant in the context of energy security, as well as the prospects for cooperation with Iran

03 июля 2023
Views: 190

During the meeting with the Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures of the Republic of Armenia Gnel Sanosyan, issues of industry cooperation and exchange of experience within the existing working structures of the EPC CIS, as well as strategic sessions and technical visits organized by the EC EPC CIS at the request of regulators and backbone companies were discussed.

The parties discussed the need to harmonize basic approaches to the development of industry-specific human resources in the technologically connected energy systems of the CIS countries, in particular, in the development of professional standards and qualification requirements, which will positively affect the quality and timely updating of educational programs, will allow creating a seamless educational environment, taking into account the wishes of employers in context of a dynamically changing technological and regulatory landscape.

When discussing the development of the power system and potential investment projects, the parties noted the importance of developing a national nuclear program, taking into account the unique experience of the Republic of Armenia in operating the Armenian NPP, the potential for working with foreign markets, in particular with Iran, as well as the feasibility of resuming the parallel operation of the power systems of Russia and Armenia in the context of energy security.

Taras Kupchikov invited Gnel Sanosyan to personally participate in the 62nd meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council, which is scheduled for August 2023 in Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic).



The CIS Electric Power Council (EPC CIS) is an intergovernmental sectoral body of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Members of the EPC CIS are the heads of the relevant central executive authorities, as well as the electric power departments and national energy companies of the member states, who are vested with appropriate powers on behalf of the states.

The goal of the EPC CIS is to conduct joint and coordinated actions of the CIS member states in the field of electric power industry aimed at ensuring sustainable and reliable power supply to the economy and the population based on the effective functioning of the association of power systems of the CIS member states.

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