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Tasks of the state in the use of renewable energy sources approved in Azerbaijan

01 июня 2021
Views: 663

Azerbaijan has defined the tasks of the state in the field of using renewable energy sources (RES) in the production of electricity.

This issue is regulated by the bill "On the use of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity", which was discussed on May 31 at the plenary session of the Milli Mejlis (parliament).

According to the document, the tasks of the state in the use of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity are:

- formation and implementation of state policy in this area;

- adoption of action plans in the field of RES use;

- adoption of regulatory legal acts;

- ensuring the creation of a favorable investment climate in order to attract local and foreign investments in this area;

- determination of the location of renewable energy sources;

- introduction of support mechanisms for the use of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity;

- carrying out activities related to the training of professional experts, strengthening human resources and drafting training programs in this area.

After discussions, the bill was put to a vote and adopted in the third reading.

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