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The agreement on emergency mutual assistance between the energy companies of Russia and Kazakhstan is in effect

20 февраля 2023
Views: 244

The purpose of the joint training of power engineers of Russia and Kazakhstan, organized by the Branch of SO UPS JSC Omsk RDU on February 16, was to work out the interaction of dispatching personnel of the energy companies of the two countries during the elimination of the consequences of emergency outages of 110 kV transmission lines of the interstate transit network.

During the training, the practical skills of the dispatching and operational personnel of the Omsk Regional Dispatch Office, the Akmola Regional Distribution Center (Republic of Kazakhstan), the branch of PJSC Rosseti Siberia - Omskenergo and JSC Russian Railways were improved in the speedy restoration of power supply to consumers in the Omsk Region, powered by the electrical networks of the Republic Kazakhstan.

Intersystem Russian-Kazakhstan trainings are provided for by agreements on the supply of electricity and mutual emergency assistance between grid companies and dispatch centers of Russia and Kazakhstan and are aimed at improving the quality of interaction between dispatch and operational personnel in emergency situations.

The participants eliminated a simulated accident associated with a simultaneous blackout of 17 110 kV substations at once, providing power supply to 238 settlements of the Omsk region, which arose due to an emergency shutdown of two 110 kV power lines. As a result of the accident, about 50 MW of consumers were conditionally de-energized, there was a failure in the movement of 92 trains, and more than 90 thousand residents were conditionally without electricity.

As a result of the coordinated actions of all participants in the training, it was possible to restore power supply to consumers in the shortest possible time, including restoring the movement of freight and passenger trains on an important section of interstate railway communication - the Luzino-Isilkul traction transit.

“Developing practical skills for eliminating accidents on interstate transit communications is important for reliable power supply to a significant number of consumers in the Omsk region and ensuring passenger and freight transportation on one of the main railway lines,” said Alexei Luft, chief dispatcher of the Omsk Regional Dispatch Office, summing up the results of the interstate emergency response.

He noted that joint training contributes to the improvement of operational dispatch control, increasing the reliability and quality of power supply to consumers.

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