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The Association for the Development of Renewable Energy has prepared the next quarterly information review of the renewable energy market in Russia

16 ноября 2023
Views: 44

The report presents the main performance indicators of RES generation based on the results of the third quarter of 2023 -  data on the growth and total installed capacity of RES facilities in Russia has been updated, as well as on their operating modes in the reporting period.

In the third quarter of 2023, the first stage of the Trunovskaya wind farm (60 MW), as well as the Gorky-Balkovskaya mHPP (9 MW) and the mHPP at the Prosyansky discharge of the BSK (7 MW) were commissioned on the wholesale electricity and power market, resulting in RES generation facilities built under RES CSA* reached 4,295 MW.

The leading region in terms of installed capacity of renewable energy generation facilities operating within the framework of incentive measures remains the Stavropol Territory. The top three also include the Astrakhan and Rostov regions. These three regions account for almost half of the total installed capacity of renewable energy facilities operating as part of support in the wholesale and retail markets.

The total capacity of renewable energy generation facilities in Russia (including wholesale and retail markets) is 6.12 GW, which is approximately 2.4% of the total capacity of the Russian power system (renewable energy supply agreements account for 1.7%).

Based on the results of 9 months of 2023, electricity generation by RES generation facilities built within the framework of the RES CPA amounted to 6,442 million kWh, which corresponds to a share of 0.79% in electricity consumption in the Unified Power System of Russia, 12% more than in 3 quarter 2022.

The review also presents maps of the distribution of the volume of electricity generated by solar power plants and wind farms, as well as the share of this generation in the total volume of electricity generation in Russia and other foreign countries based on the results of seven months of 2023.

The report traditionally reflects key changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the renewable and hydrogen energy industry, carbon regulation, electric transport, and also provides data on the dynamics of the volume of free bilateral agreements (FBA) for RES.

Over the 9 months of 2023, the total volume of electricity supplies under the concluded bilateral agreements on CPA RES exceeded the threshold of 1 million MWh, which corresponds to 16.7% of the total volume of electricity generated by CPA RES facilities.


*RES CPA is a program to stimulate the development of renewable energy generation in the Unified Energy System of Russia through guaranteed payment for capacity for a certain time under a power supply agreement (CSA) on the wholesale market concluded with the owner of the power plant. The program provides for a competitive selection of investment projects for the construction of generating facilities operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources.

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