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The Belarusian NPP launched the reactor of the 1st power unit

14 октября 2020
Views: 592

The nuclear reactor of its first power unit was successfully launched at the Belarusian NPP, the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus reported on Sunday, October 11.

“In accordance with the BelNPP construction schedule, a chain reaction has been successfully launched at the first power unit, the reactor plant has been brought to the minimum controlled power level,” the press service said. Thus, according to the Ministry of Energy of the Republic, the life cycle of the reactor began..

The Minimum Controlled Power Level (MCL) is a level sufficient to control a self-sustaining controlled nuclear chain reaction. Entering the MCL means starting the reactor.

As reported by Ministry, PRIME agency informs, in the near future a complex of studies will be carried out at the first power unit of the BelNPP, which will confirm the reliability of the entire system of nuclear physical control and nuclear safety of the reactor installation. The next stage will be the energetic start-up of the first power unit with its inclusion in the country's energy system.

The Belarusian NPP is the largest Russian-Belarusian economic project; the general contractor for its construction is Atomstroyexport (is part of Rosatom). A plant with two VVER-1200 reactors with a total installed electrical capacity of 2,400 MW is being constructed in Ostrovets (Grodno region). For the country's first nuclear power plant, an advanced Russian project of generation 3+ was selected, which fully complies with international standards and IAEA safety recommendations.

The first electricity at BelNPP is planned to be produced in the fourth quarter of this year. Commissioning of power unit No. 1 is scheduled for the first quarter of 2021, commissioning of power unit No. 2 is scheduled for 2022.

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