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The board of the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic was held on the results of 2023

29 января 2024
Views: 88

On January 27, 2024, a board meeting was held on the results of 2023 of energy companies and institutions of the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The meeting was attended by the Chief Expert of the Department of Industry Policy of the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic for the preparation of decisions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers Nurgaziev Ulugbek Ulanovich, Minister of Energy Taalaibek Ibraev, deputy ministers and heads of institutions, energy companies and their branches subordinate to the Ministry.

During the meeting, reports on the results of the work of fuel and energy complex enterprises in 2023 and work plans for 2024 were heard and discussed. The issue of implementing citizens’ appeals and implementing the Board’s decision of October 28, 2023 was also discussed.

Also at the board meeting, Energy Minister Taalaibek Ibraev emphasized that improving the quality of power supply to consumers, successfully completing the autumn-winter period, and timely implementation of the plans put forward are the requirements of today.

Compared to previous years, the Ministry of Energy is successfully completing the autumn-winter period this year. The reason for this is that preparations for the autumn-winter period last year were carried out well, and the provision of new equipment brought great benefits for a successful autumn-winter season

By April 1, 2024, it is planned to provide the Toktogul reservoir with 7.5 billion m³ of water. Also in 2023, a total of 3.4 billion kWh of electricity was imported.

In 2023, a number of successful works were carried out in the energy sector. Among them:

- In 2023, the reconstruction of the 2GA Toktogul hydroelectric power station was completed and its capacity was increased from 300 MW to 360 MW.

- The restoration work of the At-Bashi hydroelectric power station has been completed, the total capacity of the hydroelectric power station has been increased from 40 MW to 45.7 MW.

- Capital and routine repair work at all hydroelectric power stations was carried out according to the annual plan.

- A total of 261 units of special equipment were purchased and transferred to the Distribution Zone.


Reforms in the fuel and energy complex during 2023:

• Changes in medium-term tariff policy;

• Creation of a Directorate in the field of construction and commissioning of hydroelectric power plants;

• Liquidation of OJSC National Energy Holding;

• Relocation of Electric Stations OJSC to the city of Karakul;

• Strengthening the financial position of energy companies (capitalization);

• Transfer of boiler houses serviced by Electric Plants OJSC to the balance of State Enterprise Kyrgyzteploenergo;

• Launch of the “My Light” mobile application to work with service receivers;

• The work of the Call Center for Kyrgyzstan (CALL-center) was organized;

• Separation of sales departments and system operator;

• Implementation of an ERP system to automate business processes;

• Update of the Law on RES (tariff 4.46 soms);

• Installation of ASCAPC meters;

• Introduction of an emergency regime in the energy sector.


OJSC "NES of Kyrgyzstan"

On the part of NES of Kyrgyzstan OJSC, 290 additional transformer substations were installed and the power of transformers was increased

10-0.4 kV in the amount of 263 pieces.

- Work was carried out on the construction and reconstruction of 1,456 km of overhead lines.

- There are also 108,996 smart meters installed throughout the country.

- 8 units of diesel generators were purchased.

Implementation of capital construction and reconstruction projects:

The Sulaiman-Too office of District Electrical Networks was built, in the village of Ken-Suu a 0.4-10 kV power transmission line with a length of 13.9 km was built and 1 160 kV transformer substation was installed, in the village of Ak-Kol an additional power transmission line of 0.4-10 kV was built - 8, 3 km and 1 160 kV transformer substation was installed, in OshPES on the Osh-6-Uzlovaya overhead line with a length of 14 km, AS-120 wires were replaced with AS-185, in Ak-Ordo railway station, Chui region, 23 km of worn-out wires were replaced on the 10 kV overhead line wires on SIP-3 (70). These measures made it possible to remove more than 759 land plots from the protection zone of power lines.

 Coal industry:

Coal consumption in the republic as a whole is 1 million 276.0 thousand tons, fuel oil consumption is 54 thousand tons. Today it was produced throughout the republic 4.08 million tons of coal. Of these, 1 million 323.9 thousand tons of coal were mined at the Central site of the Kyrgyzkomur State Enterprise. By December 31, 2023, coal exports by the Yuzhny branch amounted to 48.6 thousand tons, and revenue - 14.7 million soms.

849 trading depotы and coal sales points have been opened throughout the republic; the Kyrgyzkomur State Enterprise has opened 42 coal sales bases throughout the republic.

State Enterprise "Kyrgyzkomur" issued only 18 licenses for mining sites.

An electronic queue system has been introduced in the Kara-Keche branch of the Kyrgyzkomur State Enterprise. As part of online monitoring, the following was established:

- 28 video cameras at the Kara-Keche coal mine;

- 8 video cameras in the city of Balykchy;

- 2 video cameras in the Yuzhny branch;

- in Bishkek, 1 video camera was installed at 7 points of sale of coal to the population. Also, the Kara-Keche and Balykchi branches have implemented the possibility of cashless payment, and online cameras are installed in special equipment.

Heating network:

State Enterprise "Kyrgyzteploenergo" switched 11 boiler houses to coal in the Naryn region, including 6 boiler houses of budgetary institutions. At the Tash-Kumyr, Karakol, and Balykchi heat supply enterprises, 700 subscribers are connected to the centralized heat supply. The release of electricity amounts to 29.417 million kWh, or 46.72 million soms.

  In order to reduce air pollution in the Bishkekteploset branch of Electric Stations OJSC, 22 coal boilers were switched to an alternative type of fuel (19 to gas, 3 to electricity).


In addition, in 2023, gasification was carried out in Ak-Tilek, Ak-Tilek-2, Ak-Tilek Tourbaza, Bakai-Ata, Ala-Archa, Novopavlovka a., Upper Kok-Zhar quarter, Popenovka quarter, with . Selection, Tokoldosh k.k., Bishkek city and Chui region.

The coverage of households was 10,048.


Start of major projects:

In 2023, preparatory work began at the Kambar-Ata-1 hydroelectric power plant, and construction work is currently in full swing. A funding of $5 million from the World Bank was considered for the implementation of the feasibility study for this project, it was approved by the Investment Council, and work began on selecting a consultant. The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic is actively preparing for the construction of the Kambar-Ata-1 hydroelectric power plant.

- Due to the need to expand the road leading to the main facilities of the Kambar-Ata hydroelectric power plant, large blasting operations were carried out at the place where the river bed changed (slot No. 1). 

- Work on the construction of new roads to the construction site of KAGES-1 has been completed, V=909.5 m3 has been concreted.

- The total length of the tunnel is 126 m, of which 36.2 m have been dug.

- When laying the overhead line, the wire of the double-circuit overhead line AS-150/24 will be stretched from the 17th to the 27th existing supports, the length of which was 2552.6 * 6 = 15315 m. Installation of supports No. 29, 30, 31 is also underway. The support foundation is ready for installation, the support foundation is being waterproofed.

- Substation 110/10 kV Substation 110/10 kV design work is underway, supports (galvanized), glass-aluminum wires, insulators and chain fittings, etc. have been purchased.

- Design and survey work for the construction of the bridge has been completed, the signal version of the bridge project over the Naryn River has been submitted for consideration, approval and proposal.


As part of the implementation of the CASA-1000 project in Kyrgyzstan, the construction of access roads to construction sites of 1,243 supports (100%), digging of support pits (100%), reinforcement and concreting of supports (100%) has now been completed. Currently, the work on installing supports has been completed 100%, 1243 supports have been installed and 287.45 km (63%) of wires have been laid.


Work performed at the branch of OJSC "Electric Stations" - "Bishkekteploset":

- 3666 m of worn-out sections of the heating network were repaired;

- 477 shut-off valves were replaced;

- 1578 m2 of damaged thermal insulation were repaired;

- Emergency repairs (elimination of leaks) of main and distribution heating networks: 787 meters of networks were completed;

- 30,346 linear meters of heating and hot water supply pipes in residential buildings and 8,464 shut-off and control valves were replaced;

- in the city of Bishkek on the street. Karalaeva and st. Abdymomunov built and updated 526 m of networks of different diameters;

- within the framework of the project “Improving the heat supply of the city of Bishkek”, starting from the thermal power plant of the city of Bishkek to the street. L. Tolstoy (330 meters), and on the second section - on the eastern side of April 7 street (836 meters) a new heating network was built. The diameter of the pipelines increased from 700 mm to 900 mm.


As part of the autumn-winter period 2023/2024. It is planned to supply a total of 1,200 thousand tons of coal to the Bishkek thermal power plant, of which: 550 thousand tons of imported coal grades D, DG, G; 650 thousand tons of local coal, of which: 600 thousand tons of Kavak coal grade BZ, BR and 50 thousand tons of Tash-Kumyr coal grade DSS; 70.110 million m3 of natural gas; 5.0 thousand tons of fuel oil.

In 2023, the Bishkek thermal power plant received 519.208 thousand tons of coal and 2.690 thousand tons of fuel oil.


JSC "Chakan HPP":

OJSC "Chakan HPP", in preparation for the autumn-winter period, carried out routine repairs at all hydroelectric power plants, namely at all 19 hydroelectric units. The overhaul is 100% complete: all three planned hydraulic units have undergone major overhaul. In addition, reconstruction was carried out at the Alamudun-3 hydroelectric power plant - a new power transformer with a capacity of 6300 kVA was installed. One of the achievements of Chakan HPP OJSC is the completion this year of the main work on the construction of the Bala-Saruu hydroelectric power plant in the Talas region. With an increase in water volume, it is planned to launch a small hydropower unit this year.

In 2023, during the implementation of investment projects, 74 (documents) memorandums and agreements were signed:

- A Decree aimed at the development of renewable energy sources was adopted;

- A law aimed at exempting microgeneration facilities from licensing;

- In order to increase the efficiency and reliability of the fuel and energy complex, improve legal and institutional mechanisms in the energy sector, regulatory and technical documents have been adopted, which have not been adopted in the energy sector for many years.

A state of emergency has been introduced in the energy sector.

From August 1, 2023, a state of emergency was introduced in the energy sector for a period of 3 years. The goal is to take immediate measures to commission energy capacities and ensure the export of electricity by 2027.

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