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The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic held a meeting on preparing sectors of the economy and the population for the autumn-winter period of 2023-2024

18 сентября 2023
Views: 104

The Minister of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Taalaibek Ibraev, made a report on the progress of preparations for the passage of the autumn-winter period: The total electricity consumption in the republic is planned at the level of 17 billion 400 million kWh. The deficit will be 3.2 billion kWh, which will be imported from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. The volume of the Toktogul reservoir as of October 1 of this year will be 11.7 billion cubic meters. The September plan of 182.5 thousand tons for coal procurement for the population was fulfilled by 159.6%, 291.2 thousand tons of coal were prepared, and for budgetary organizations, with the plan for September 2023 - 51.1 thousand tons, prepared 61.4 thousand tons of coal. 390 thousand consumers are connected to gas heating. Repair work has been carried out at all hydroelectric power plants, including the 2nd unit of the Toktogul hydroelectric power plant will be put into operation by November, and the capacity of large transformer substations has been increased.”

In his speech, the minister noted that if consumers do not comply with the rules prescribed in the technical specifications, forced regulatory measures will be taken/ “This will be a forced measure in order not to leave other consumers without electricity, therefore every citizen must comply with the standards established by the technical specifications. Transformers and equipment cost a lot of money, accidents can happen under heavy loads, we can’t take that risk.”

He also informed about the plans of the Ministry of Energy to solve problems associated with electricity shortages, noting that the republic plans to build a number of small and medium-sized hydroelectric power plants.

Having heard the report, the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers noted that colossal work is being done in the energy sector: hydroelectric power plants are being built, repairs of energy equipment are being carried out, transformers are being updated, investors are being attracted for the development of renewable energy sources -  construction of wind and solar stations, power engineers are working 24/7.

He also ordered awareness-raising work among the population on saving energy, noting that every citizen of the republic, especially government agencies, schools, and hospitals, must be prepared for winter.

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