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The capacity of renewable energy generating assets will increase in Belarus 1.5 times by 2025

19 октября 2020
Views: 570

The totalpower capacity of renewable energy generating assets in Belarus will increase 1.5 times by 2025 and will amount to 750 MW. This was announced today at a press conference by Sergei Greben -  the head  Department for Energy Efficiency, Ecology and Science of the Ministry of Energy.

The installed capacity of the Belarusian energy system, as of September the 1st, is 10,107 MW. “As for the generating assets using renewable energy sources, this figure is 486.7 MW. Their share is 4.8% (in 2019 it was 4%). For eight months of this year, the installed capacity of renewable energy generating assets has grown by 82.1 MW. Electricity generation increased to 3.5% of the total production in Belarus. And by 2025, the installed capacity of generating assets using renewable energy sources is estimated at about 750 MW, ”said Sergey Greben.

According to him, the competence of the Ministry of Energy includes the connection of renewable energy installations to the state energy system, the purchase of electricity from these installations at tariffs in accordance with the legislation. A commission for allocating quotas works with the participation of the Ministry of Energy.

Renewable energy sources include solar, hydro, wind and biogas.

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