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The Center for Hydrogen Energy began to operate at the Oil and Gas University of Turkmenistan

25 апреля 2022
Views: 444

The Center for Hydrogen Energy, established almost two months ago on the basis of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshigeldi Kakaev, began active work.

According to the publication "Turkmenistan: Golden Age", the creation of the Center was the result of steps taken by the state to promote energy diplomacy.

The main task of the Center is training of high-level specialists and establishing international scientific cooperation in this field, the implementation of research work, the development and implementation of innovative scientific and educational programs in production processes in order to create and develop the hydrogen energy industry in Turkmenistan.

The activities of the new Center are aimed at implementing the tasks and action plan within the framework of the Roadmap for the development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023.

The first online meeting of representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) with specialists from the Center for Hydrogen Energy and students of Oil and Gas University was held at the end of February. The participants discussed the prospects for the development of hydrogen energy, the training of highly qualified specialists in this field and the expansion of international cooperation.

This was followed by a Turkmen-Japanese conference dedicated to the study of foreign experience in the field of hydrogen energy.

The working group of the Center, as well as the faculty and students of the university, took an active part in the First UNIDO meeting on global cooperation in the field of industrial use of hydrogen energy in early April.

The meeting included the development of global cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of "green" hydrogen production between the member states of the organization.

Further, the specialists of Oil and Gas University participated in the conference on the topic "Development of a roadmap for the commercial development of atomic hydrogen energy for the development of the industry", organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

April 7-8 by "Kawasaki Heavy Ind." an online conference was organized to discuss the possibilities of Turkmen-Japanese cooperation in the field of hydrocarbon production and the production of hydrogen energy.

The next event was a scientific and practical conference on the topic "The importance of the development of hydrogen energy in Turkmenistan", organized by the joint efforts of the training and practical center "Renewable Energy Sources" of the State Institute of Energy of Turkmenistan and the Center for Hydrogen Energy MUNIG.

All activities are aimed at a productive result of their implementation and practical benefits for solving the problems of developing hydrogen energy.

Based on the study and analysis of world experience, the specialists of the Center will develop and make proposals for the introduction of advanced innovative technologies for the production of hydrogen energy in Turkmenistan.

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