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The CIS countries should have uniform standards for power equipment, - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS Energy Council

09 июня 2023
Views: 104

The CIS countries should have uniform standards for power equipment. Taras Kupchikov, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council, said this on June 8, 2023 at the session “High Technologies as a Driver of Eurasian Integration” in Sochi at the Eurasian Congress.

According to him, compliance with the standards is necessary, because the countries have unified power system ultinately.

“We work in parallel. It is not possible to develop the power system of Belarus without complying with the standards. We work in the same system and influence each other. If we are talking about expanding the equipment market, then, accordingly, whether you like it or not, all standards must be supported by other countries, even within the BRICS scale, or even more if we can do it,” he said.

According to him, many of the standards that were developed earlier have lost their point, they need to be updated as science moves forward.

“There is no doubt that a major transformation is taking place in the power industry. New sources of electricity are emerging that significantly affect the mode of operation of the power system. They need to be understood and developed for this by industrial electronics.

The potential is huge. Is it possible to build a power system without coal stations? It is possible. Is it possible to build it on renewable energy? It is possible. It will be expensive, but it is also possible to build a power system on RES, it will simply not be very efficient. Can it be built purely on nuclear technology? Yes, probably, it is possible, and the experience of Belarus shows that the largest power facility was implemented in a small power system - 40% of energy consumption.

This is an amazing result, because you have to try to balance such power. It is difficult to control the modes of a nuclear power plant; it is not an easy object. Surely, there the issues of emergency automatics are much more serious in such a power system, because it will not forgive mistakes.

Of course, today's digital technologies allow a clearer approach to the processes taking place in the energy sector,” he said.

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