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The commissioning of new generation in the Russian Federation in 2021 will amount to 3.4 GW, of which 1.5 GW - RES, - the Ministry of Energy

18 ноября 2021
Views: 484

The commissioning of new generating capacities in the Russian Federation at the end of 2021 will amount to 3.4 GW, said the head of the Ministry of Energy Nikolai Shulginov at a government meeting.

“By the end of the year, we expect the commissioning of generating capacities in the amount of 3.4 GW, about 1.5 GW - based on renewable energy sources”, the minister said, reports PRIME.

“By the end of the year, we expect the commissioning of generating capacities in the amount of 3.4 GW. A unit has already been commissioned at the Leningrad NPP (1200 MW), about 1.5 GW are objects of renewable energy sources. We expect by the end of the year the commissioning of the Lemaevskaya CCGT in Tatarstan and another CCGT unit - 0.45 GW, ”the minister said.

He also noted that this year about 2 GW of capacities will be decommissioned, which are unprofitable in terms of technical condition or on the basis of economic inefficiency.

At the end of 2020, the commissioning of new generation in the Russian Federation amounted to 2 GW, of which 1.2 GW is based on renewable energy sources. At the same time, more than 3 GW of ineffective capacities were decommissioned last year.

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