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The Coordination Council meeting for the implementation of the CIS member states collaboration and interaction strategy in the field of electric power industry was held in Moscow on September 29, 2020

06 октября 2020
Views: 592

On September 29, 2020, the 32nd meeting of the Coordination Council for the implementation of the CIS member states collaboration and interaction strategy in the field of electric power industry was held in Moscow in the format of video conference.

The meeting was attended  by members of the Coordination Council - representatives of power industry management bodies, electric power organizations and companies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, representative of Siemens AG, employees of the EEC Energy Department and of the Executive Committee of the EPC CIS.

The meeting of the Coordination Council was opened by the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the EPC CIS N. Petrova.

The meeting was chaired by A. Chekalov, Chairman of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the CIS member states collaboration and interaction strategy in the field of electric power industry, Head of the Commercial Dispatching Department of the Trading Block of PJSC Inter RAO.

The participants of the meeting approved the Agenda of the Coordinating Council meeting and, based on the results of the main issues consideration, adopted the following decisions:

- To approve, taking into account the comments and suggestions of the CIS member states, the draft Review "Prospective and strategic planning in the electric power industry of the CIS member states" and submit it for consideration at the next 57th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council;

- To take into account the information from Siemens AG on modern approaches to planning the development of power systems and to express gratitude to the technical consultant for power grid management of Siemens AG, doctor of engineering Vadim Rusin for the presentation;

- To approve the draft Cooperation strategy of the CIS member states in the electric power industry until 2030 and submit it to the next 57th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council;

- To ask the Executive Committee of the EPC CIS to finalize the draft Action Plan for the implementation of the  CIS member states Cooperation strategy    in the electric power industry until 2030 and send it for approval to the states of the Commonwealth with subsequent consideration at   the authorized representatives meeting, dedicated to consideration and approval of the CIS Electric Power Council 57th meeting materials;

- To approve the draft Regulations on the Working Groups of the CIS Electric Power Council, taking into account the discussion held as well as the comments and proposals of the CIS member states, and submit it to the next 57th meeting of the EPC CIS;

- To consider and agree with paragraph 3.6 of the draft Regulations on Working Groups of the CIS Electric Power Council at the authorized representatives meeting dedicated to consideration and approval of the CIS Electric Power Council 57th meeting materials;


- To take into account the forecast data on the balances of electricity and capacity in the power systems of the CIS member states. the Executive Committee to request from the CIS member states that did not provide information, the necessary information and to submit the supplemented information for consideration of the next 57th meeting of the CIS EPS;

- To hold the next meeting of the Coordination Council in April 2021 in Moscow.

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