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The Council of Heads of Authorized Bodies of the EAEU Countries in the energy industry agreed on the norms of the draft mutual trade rules

21 сентября 2023
Views: 152

On September 18, in Moscow, the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Arzybek Kozhoshev, held the seventh meeting of the Council of Heads of Authorized Bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union States in the field of energy.

The heads of the relevant ministries of the EAEU countries discussed the fundamental issues of the draft rules for mutual trade in electrical energy in the common electrical energy market of the Union.

The event participants agreed that the Board of Directors will monitor the performance of the day-ahead centralized trading operator's functions as a registrar. This decision was made taking into account the visit of the Administrator of the trading system of the wholesale electricity market - an organization previously identified by the EEC Council as such an operator.

The parties paid special attention to the principle of determining the cost of hourly deviations of the actual values of balance flows of electricity from their planned values. During the meeting, the parties reached a compromise, developing a mutually acceptable version of the relevant paragraph of the draft rules.

The Council of Headss agreed on changes to the Regulations on the Council of Heads of Authorized Bodies of the EAEU Member States in the energy sector and instructed to send the document for consideration by the EAEU bodies. It is planned that the final version of the document should be approved by the EEC Council.

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