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The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus has settled the issues of creation and reconstruction of some sources of electrical and thermal energy

07 ноября 2022
Views: 229

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus has regulated the issues of creation and reconstruction of electrical and thermal energy sources. This is provided for by the Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 726 “On sources of electrical and (or) thermal energy”.

  The structure of the United Power System of Belarus has a significant share (about 10%) of electricity producers of various forms of ownership and departmental subordination, which required an integrated approach to solving the problem of improving the legal regulation of the development and operation of power generating capacities.

The legal act approved the Regulations on the coordination electrical and thermal energy sources creation, reconstruction, modernization, technical modernization. The regulation establishes the procedure for the creation of electrical energy and (or) thermal energy sources with a capacity of 500 kW or more by legal entities that are not part of the State Production Association "Belenergo" and individual entrepreneurs in terms of coordination by the Ministry of Energy.

The Regulation does not apply to the creation of sources by military units and organizations of the Armed Forces, as well as to sources in respect of which, prior to the entry into force of Decree No. 726, permits for construction were received or an application was submitted for issuance of permits for construction.

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