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The difference between electricity tariffs is planned to be reduced in Kazakhstan

28 апреля 2022
Views: 479

The Single Electricity Purchaser model will not be implemented in Kazakhstan. This was stated by First Deputy Prime Minister Roman Sklyar.

“In accordance with the National Project for the Development of Entrepreneurship for 2021-2025, a phased reduction in the difference and the abolition of tariff differentiation between consumer groups for electricity services are envisaged, which can also significantly affect electricity tariffs, primarily for the population,” Roman Sklyar wrote in his response to a deputy inquiry.

In this connection, the Ministry of National Economy is comprehensively considering the issue of a possible painless reduction for the population of the varience in differentiated tariffs, taking into account the specifics of all regions of the country and the economic circumstances prevailing in them.

According to R. Sklyar, the introduction of the Single Purchaser model is a modern solution, but it requires considerable study and detailed comprehensive study, taking into account the interests of the population and business. For this reason, the Deputy Prime Minister called the urgent transition to the Single Buyer model premature.


IIA "Kazinform"

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