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The draft Agreement on the formation of a unified electricity market of the Union State is in a high degree of readiness

18 октября 2023
Views: 125

As the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Karankevich said on the sidelines of the XXVII Belarusian Energy and Environmental Forum Energy Expo, Belarus and Russia are gradually moving forward in creating united markets for natural gas and electricity.

Internal state procedures are being completed on one of the fundamental documents - the draft Agreement on the formation of a common electricity market of the Union State.

The rules for the functioning of the common electricity market are also at the final stage of approval.

Work continues on common principles for the functioning and regulation of the common gas market.

Price conditions for supplies of Russian natural gas to the Republic of Belarus for three years have been determined. “The main task during 2023-2025. “This is an agreement on the principles of operation of the united gas market with the aim of further bringing together the economic conditions for the constituent entities of our countries,” added the head of the Ministry of Energy.

In turn, Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Pavel Snikkars added in an interview with reporters that he positively assesses the results of joint interdepartmental work to create common energy markets. He noted that all disagreements that arose between the parties had been resolved. “The issues are mostly of an organizational nature; we have agreed on all fundamental decisions. We have a very positive interaction, and over the past years of work we have progressed as far as possible,” emphasized P. Snikars.

On October 17, one of the largest exhibition events – the XXVII Belarusian Energy and Environmental Forum “Energy Expo” – started in Minsk. The forum will include an international specialized exhibition “Energy. Ecology. Energy saving. Electro" (Energyexpo), the salon of innovative transport "E-Trans", as well as specialized events "Innovative industrial technologies", "Atomexpo-Belarus", "Technologies for the petrochemical industry", "ExpoLight", "Water and air technologies", " ExpoCity" and the XXVII Belarusian Energy and Environmental Congress.

The business program of the forum includes scientific and practical conferences, round tables and seminars, including on the development of nuclear energy, digitalization, training of engineers, development of electric transport, and the inclusion of local fuels in the country’s fuel and energy balance. More than 200 enterprises in the energy industry of Belarus and other countries will present their products at the event.

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