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The energy ministers of the three states signed a roadmap for the implementation of the construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1

06 января 2023
Views: 480

On January 6, 2023, a meeting of the energy ministers of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan was held at the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

During the meeting, the parties held a joint discussion on the development of a roadmap for the construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1. In particular, it was emphasized that the implementation of the project should be fair and beneficial for all participating countries. After that, the parties signed an agreement on the roadmap for the implementation of the construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1.

The roadmap for the implementation of the construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1 was signed by the Minister of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic Taalaibek Ibraev, the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bolat Akchulakov, the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov.

According to the information, the estimated date of commissioning of the Kambar-Ata-1 HPP will be determined after the development of a feasibility study. However, according to the Minister of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic Taalaibek Ibraev, preparations for the construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1 have already begun.

"We can say that the construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1 is beneficial for three neighboring countries, especially Kyrgyzstan. Our country should become a country that does not import electricity, but, on the contrary, exports it. If we build the Kambar-Ata -1 HPP together with neighboring countries, then a significant shortage of electricity in our country will be eliminated. Today we signed a roadmap for the implementation of the construction of the Kambar-Ata-1 HPP. Preparations are underway for the construction of the Kambar-Ata-1 HPP, the construction of roads, bridges, power lines, construction sites. Its capacity is 1,860 MW," the minister said.

The delegations of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan expressed their full support for the creation of a joint venture.

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