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The first 330 kV digital substation in Belarus was put into operation in the Mogilev region

22 ноября 2021
Views: 466

On November 19, the opening of the first digital substation of 330 kV voltage class "Mogilev-330" in the republic took place in the Mogilev region.

The solemn event was attended by: Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Karankevich, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Mikhadyuk, General Director of the State Production Association "Belenergo" Pavel Drozd, Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee Ruslan Strahar, General Director of RUE "Mogilevenergo", Director of the representative office of the company "RICO" in the Republic of Belarus Zhivorad Smilkovich, heads of general contracting and contracting organizations, employees of the Mogilev energy system.

The substation "Mogilev-330" was first put into operation in 1969 and is a nodal substation of the Mogilev power center, as well as one of the base substations in the Belarusian energy system, which is located in the center of loads and ensures the flow of electric energy from Lukoml SDPP to Zhlobinsky and Gomel power centers. In terms of the number of installed equipment, it is one of the largest nodal substations of the voltage class 330/110/10 kV in the energy system of the Republic of Belarus, through which the transit of electrical energy in the amount of 1.5 billion kWh per year is carried out.

Due to the significant deterioration of the existing equipment and building structures, it was decided to carry out a complete reconstruction of the Mogilev-330 substation using advanced digital technologies.

“The reconstruction started in 2018 was successfully completed and the substation“ Mogilev-330 ”was put into operation. The equipment of the outdoor switchgear 330, 110 kV was completely replaced, new power transformers were installed, the substation building was reconstructed, where the most modern digital substation protection and control systems were installed, ”said Konstantin Putilo, General Director of Mogilevenergo RUE.

Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich noted the uniqueness of the substation: “The most advanced digital technologies and modern solutions are used here. Due to the high automation of technological processes, the reliability of power supply to consumers in the Mogilev region has been increased, the size of the area for equipment has been halved in comparison with traditional electrical substations of this voltage class. The substation has introduced the most modern technologies for collecting and transmitting information, digital current and voltage transformers, optical cable connections between various devices. For the power industry, this is without exaggeration a project of the future that meets the highest international standards. "

“Today, the importance of the energy industry is understood globally. In recent years, we can say that the domestic energy sector has reached a new level. A systematic approach has been developed to update it, the main postulates of which are reliability, safety and high technology. And the Mogilev-330 substation fully complies with these requirements”, stressed Pavel Drozd, Director General of the Belenergo State Production Association.

The heads of the Ministry of Energy and the State Production Association "Belenergo" expressed their gratitude for the work done, dedication and high professionalism to everyone who participated in the implementation of the project for the reconstruction of the Mogilev-330 substation.

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