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The first meeting of the BRICS Senior Officials Committee on Energy will be held in Moscow on February 26-27

26 февраля 2024
Views: 147

The first meeting of the BRICS Senior Officials Committee on Energy will be held in Moscow on February 26-27, Roscongress said in a statement. It will be the first event on the energy track within the framework of the Russian Federation's chairmanship of the BRICS association in 2024.

The operator of the events of the Russian Federation's chairmanship of the BRICS association is the Roscongress Foundation.

During the meeting, the main initiatives and priorities of the Russian chairmanship in the energy sector will be presented, as well as a presentation of the history of the energy dialogue and its key mechanisms aimed at the prompt and full-scale integration of new members of the BRICS association.

Particular attention will be paid to the complex issue of a just energy transition in light of the preparation of a study on this topic within the framework of the BRICS Energy Research Platform. Also during the meeting, issues of technological cooperation both in the field of traditional energy resources and in the field of new and renewable energy sources will be discussed.

In addition, the program of the meeting provides for the visit of delegations from the BRICS countries to the exhibition-forum “Russia”, in particular the pavilions “Energy of Life” and “Atom”, in order to familiarize partners with the advanced experience of the Russian Federation in the energy field.

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