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The first solar power plant in Uzbekistan with 100 MW capacity and $ 110 million cost was put into operation

30 августа 2021
Views: 551

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev launched in the Karmaninsky district of Navoi region the first PV plant in Uzbekistan, TASS reports citing the press service of the head of state. The implementation of this project worth $ 110 million began last year, and during this time 300 thousand solar panels with 100 MW total capacity were installed, the press service noted. “This station is the first big step, one might say the“ first sign ”of the new energy system of Uzbekistan, and marks the beginning of a completely new stage in the development of the industry. It will generate 252 million kWh of electricity per year. This will save 80 million cubic meters of natural gas and prevent the emission  of 160 thousand tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said at the launch ceremony. It is noted that the project, called Nur Navoi Solar, was implemented by Masdar from the United Arab Emirates. In the energy sector alone, six projects with a capacity of 1.7 thousand MW are being implemented jointly with the UAE, worth about $ 1.5 billion. In particular, in 2023, a 500 MW wind farm will be built in the Navoi region, as well as another 200 MW solar station, the report says.

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