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The government has approved the concept for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation

11 августа 2021
Views: 793

The Russian government has approved a concept for the development of hydrogen energy in Russia. The first stage is designed for 3.5 years, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said on Monday at a meeting with the Deputy Prime Ministers.

“The government has prepared a draft concept for the development of hydrogen energy. It defines the goals, strategic initiatives and key measures to create this industry in the country. It is planned to implement it in several stages. The first one is designed for the next 3.5 years. It  involves the creation of specialized clusters and the implementation of pilot projects for the production and export of hydrogen, as well as the use of hydrogen energy carriers in the domestic market”, Mishustin said.

He added that in the next stages (until 2035 and 2050), it is planned to create large export-oriented production facilities, to proceed to the serial application of hydrogen technologies in various sectors of the economy from petrochemicals to housing and communal services.

"The development of hydrogen energy will reduce the risks of losing energy markets and support economic growth through the formation of new industries, as well as the creation of high-tech jobs, export of products and technologies," the Chairman of the Council of Ministers summed up.

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