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The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the Regulation on working conditions for electricity supply using renewable energy sources

03 ноября 2020
Views: 496

The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, by its Resolution No. 525 dated October 30, 2020, approved the Regulation on the conditions and procedure for carrying out activities for electricity production and supply using renewable energy sources. This was reported on the government website.

This is done to create conditions for the development of renewable energy sources.

As stated in the regulation, the authorized state body for the development of energy policy:

1) Develops and approves quotas for the capacity of RES installations, the installed capacity for each type of RES for certain territorial administrative units, and also updates data on the availability of quotas for the capacity of RES installations, posting information on the official website;

2) Maintains the state Register of RES entities and registers RES entities that have expressed their intention and / or carry out activities in the field of RES;

3) Has the right to conduct a competitive selection for the construction of renewable energy installations, to prepare a preliminary feasibility study of the project in the manner prescribed by the legislation in the field of public-private partnership, and apply to the authorized state bodies in the field of regulation of land legal relations and local authorities with a request for a land plot allocation for the construction of renewable energy plants in compliance with the land legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;

4) Has the right to conclude agreement with RES entity on the intention to invest in the construction of RES facility;

5) Has the right to initiate the procedure for termination (cancellation) of the right to use a land plot to the authorized state bodies in the field of regulation of land legal relations in cases of using the land plot in violation of its intended purpose or non-use of the land plot provided for the construction of a facility for the use of RES, within 3 (three ) years, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of land legal relations;

6) Interacts with the authorized state body for water resources and other authorized bodies on monitoring and control over the intended use of land plots allocated for the construction of facilities for the use of renewable energy sources;

7) Provides legal and organizational assistance to RES entities projects for the construction of facilities using RES when going through the approval procedure in state bodies;

8) Monitors and controls the connection of facilities using renewable energy sources to the power grids of utilities in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of energy;

9) Monitors the use of RES, by accounting and analyzing the energy potential of RES, the level of their development and the share of electricity and heat production in the total energy production in the Kyrgyz Republic;

10) Provides stakeholders with timely, complete and reliable information regarding the activities of RES entities, quotas and volumes of quotas provided.


Declared to be no longer in force:

1) Government decree "On approval of the Regulation on the tender for the right to build small hydroelectric power plants in the Kyrgyz Republic" dated March 24, 2017 No. 175;

2) Resolution "On Amendments to the Resolution of the GKR (Government of the Kyrgyz Republic) "On Approval of the Regulations on the Tender for the Right to Build Small Hydroelectric Power Plants in the Kyrgyz Republic "dated March 24, 2017 No. 175" dated June 14, 2017 No. 377.

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