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The government of the Russian Federation approved an action plan for the development of hydrogen energy

24 октября 2020
Views: 569

By the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 2634-r dated October 12, 2020, an action plan ("roadmap") for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation until 2024 was approved. The roadmap is  aimed at increasing production and expanding the scope of application of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly energy carrier, and also at the country's entry into the ranks of the world leaders in its production and export.

According to expert’s opinion, by 2050 the share of hydrogen in the global energy balance can increase significantly. This is largely due to the global developing trend to decarbonize the economy and reduce anthropogenic impact on the environment. Hydrogen energy is viewed as one of the key areas for achieving carbon neutrality, since hydrogen can be obtained from low-carbon sources, and its use as an energy carrier does not lead to greenhouse gases emissions.

In Russia, the task of developing hydrogen energy is enshrined in the key sectoral strategic planning document - the updated Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035.

Already today, Russia has important competitive advantages in the development of hydrogen energy: the presence of a significant energy potential and resource base, the presence of underutilized generating capacities, geographic proximity to potential hydrogen consumers, scientific groundwork in the production, transportation and storage of hydrogen, as well as the presence of an operating transport infrastructure. This may allow Russia in the future to take leading position in the production and supply of hydrogen to the global market.

To realize the country’s potential and achieve the goals for the development of hydrogen energy laid down in the Energy Strategy, the action plan ("road map") provides for the following main areas of work:

- development of domestic low-carbon technologies for hydrogen production by conversion methods, methane pyrolysis, electrolysis and other technologies, including the possibility of localizing foreign technologies;

- increasing the scale of hydrogen production from natural gas, as well as using renewable energy sources (RES) and nuclear energy;

- providing legislative support for hydrogen production;

- development and implementation of state support measures for the creation of infrastructure for the transportation and consumption of hydrogen and energy mixtures based on it;

- stimulation in the domestic market demand for hydrogen fuel cells in Russian transport, as well as for the use of hydrogen and energy mixtures based on it as energy storage devices and converters to increase the efficiency of centralized energy supply systems;

- creation of a regulatory framework in the field of hydrogen energy safety; intensification of international cooperation in the development of hydrogen energy and entry foreign markets.

In accordance with the roadmap, by 2024 it is envisaged to implement a number of pilot projects in the field of hydrogen energy, aimed, inter alia, at the creation, construction and operation of pilot plants for the production of hydrogen without carbon dioxide emissions, the development, manufacturing and testing of methane-hydrogen gas turbines, creation of  hydrogen railway transport prototype  and test sites for low-carbon hydrogen production at hydrocarbon processing facilities or natural gas production facilities, hydrogen production using nuclear power plants.

“Implementation of the approved action plan will allow creating in Russia a fundamentally new industry of low-carbon production, storage and transportation of hydrogen, its use in energy, transport and industry, as well as entering foreign markets with new competencies. Hydrogen, which is used today mainly in the chemical and petrochemical industry, in the future can become one of the drivers of energy development and the basis for the formation of a hydrogen economy in the country, ”commented the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak.

At the same time, he noted that the development of the Russian fuel and energy complex should be balanced: on the one hand, the state should assist in the development of hydrogen technological competencies in the country, and on the other, it should strive to maintain the position of the Russian Federation in the traditional energy markets.

The priority task for 2020-2021 as part of the implementation of the action plan is to develop a Concept for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation. It will assess the current state of production and consumption of hydrogen, as well as assess the resource and technological potential of Russia in the promising market for hydrogen energy carriers. In addition, the document is supposed to formulate the priorities for the development of hydrogen energy with the definition of short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.

An interdepartmental working group for the development of hydrogen energy chaired by the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation and a project office based on the Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of Russia will be created as a management system for the implementation of strategic tasks. The group will provide information and analytical support for the implementation of the roadmap.

An action plan ("road map") for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation until 2024 was developed by the Ministry of Energy of Russia jointly with the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Energy Agency" of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, industry companies ( SC Rosatom, PJSC Gazprom), representatives of the scientific, including the St. Petersburg Mining University, and the expert community.

Action plan ("road map") for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation until 2024.

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