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The growth of electricity consumption in Belarus by the end of 2023 is expected to reach 41 billion kWh

07 ноября 2023
Views: 45

According to the Minister of Energy Viktor Karankevich, measures taken at the level of the Head of State and Government to stimulate electricity consumption provide positive dynamics.

Over the 9 months of this year, electricity consumption in the country increased by 1.8 billion kWh compared to the same period in 2022 - to 29.8 billion kWh, including:

- the real sector of the economy - by 8.2 percent;

- by the population for heating and hot water supply purposes - 1.4 times;

- electric transport - by 15%.

To meet the population's demand for the use of electricity for heating purposes, construction and reconstruction of electrical networks are being widely carried out.

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