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The head of the Ministry of Energy of Moldova named the new operator of the country's power market

26 февраля 2024
Views: 157

The operator of the power  market in Moldova will be a subsidiary of the Romanian power exchange OPCOM, said the Minister of Energy of the Republic, Victor Parlikov.

The energy ministers of Moldova and Romania signed a memorandum in December that involves connecting the Moldovan power market with the European one.

“In 2022, the electric power systems of Moldova and Ukraine were synchronized with the European continental system, after which a balancing market was introduced, and now the time has come when we will have an power exchange. We appoint the operator of the power market “M”, which is a subsidiary of the Romanian power exchange OPCOM, as the operator of the organized market,” Parlicov told reporters. 

According to him, the company will be called “Operator of the Power Market of Moldova,” abbreviated OPPM. The minister believes that market management by a Romanian company will simplify “the integration of the Moldovan market into the EU electricity market through Romania.”

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