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The largest production facility of components for solar power has opened in Russia

30 января 2024
Views: 100

The largest production facility of components for solar power has opened in Russia.

The volume of private investment in the new plant amounted to 30 billion rubles.

In Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the production of silicon wafers at the Enkor enterprise via video conference. The plant plans to produce more than 200 million silicon wafers annually for solar cells, and at the end of March another plant for the production of photovoltaic cells with a capacity of 1 GW will be launched.

“Soon, also in the first quarter of this year, the second plant for theproduction of solar cells will be launched at the Kaliningrad site. As a result, here, in the Kaliningrad region, Europe’s largest production of equipment for solar power plants will operate,” said Vladimir Putin.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the government supported the construction of two factories and allocated preferential loans.

4 billion rubles and funding for technology development for 185 million rubles. The export-oriented project will receive support through corporate programs to increase competitiveness in the amount of 3.5 billion rubles, until 2026 inclusive.

The department added that the project will contribute to the development of high-precision engineering; the complex could become the largest in Eurasia.

As ARVE reported, the new plant was designed and built from scratch in a record two years. Total private investment in the project amounts to 30 billion rubles.

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