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The Law "On Rational Use of Energy" has been adopted by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a new version

30 апреля 2020
Views: 840

The Law "On Rational Use of Energy" has been adopted by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a new version. Among the requirements already established by law is the establishment of a norm of mandatory certification for compliance with the indicators of energy efficiency of goods (works, services).

The draft law was prepared by a group of deputies of the Committee on Industry, Construction and Trade of the Legislative Chamber with the participation of experts from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The law stipulates that a specially authorized State body in the field of rational use of energy is the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which implements a unified State policy in the sectors of the economy and social facilities in the field of rational use of energy.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Energy develops mechanisms to stimulate the introduction of energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies, including in production processes, and carries out appropriate monitoring.
The Ministry of Energy is also responsible for organizing research works on improving energy efficiency and energy saving in economic sectors and social facilities, developing proposals on investment projects.
The Ministry will define the requirements for establishing categories of energy efficiency and energy saving of goods (works, services); Buildings and structures, devices, including apartment buildings.
The Ministry of Energy is also responsible for developing proposals to limit the production in the country or import products with low energy efficiency into Uzbekistan.
Mandatory energy surveys and recommendations will be monitored. The new edition of the law defines other functions of the Ministry of Energy, as a specially authorized state agency in the field of rational use of energy.
The law adopted by the Legislative Chamber also defines the powers of the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of rational use of energy, State control and supervision bodies in this field and State authorities on the ground.
The priority of State, sectoral and territorial programmes and projects in the field of rational use of energy, which are mandatory in the implementation of a unified State policy on rational use of energy, is established by law.
It has been determined that they are developed for a short-term period (for a period of one to two years), a medium-term period (for a period of two to five years) and a long-term period (for a period of five or more years) and are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Thus, the new law "On rational use of energy" establishes the procedure of state control over compliance with energy efficiency requirements, is aimed at limiting production and import of non-energy-efficient products, saving of energy resources of state bodies and organizations.
During the preparation of the bill, the experience of Great Britain, the USA, Japan, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, regulation of energy consumption, development and implementation of relevant requirements in the economic and social spheres was studied.
The Law "On Rational Use of Energy" adopted by the Legislative Chamber in the new version is subject to approval in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and will enter into force after signing by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Press service of the Ministry of Energy

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