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The meeting of the Council of State Production Association "Belenergo" summed up in Minsk the results of work in 2020

24 февраля 2021
Views: 1376

On February 19, at the Belenergo State Production Association chaired by Pavel Vladimirovich Drozd, General Director, a meeting of the Association Council was held on the topic "On the results of the work of the organizations that are part of the Belenergo State Production Association for 2020 and tasks for 2021". The event was attended by the Minister of Energy Viktor Mikhailovich Karankevich, Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Belenergotopgaz crafts union Viktor Vasilyevich Gavrisyev, members of the Council, heads of organizations of the association and heads of structural divisions of the administrative apparatus. The meeting was held in the format of a video conference.

At the meeting, the results of the work of the organizations of the association in 2020 were summed up and the main tasks for the current year were identified.

Tamara Antropova, head of the production and technical department of the State Production Association "Belenergo", reported on the achievement of the key indicators, technical and economic indicators of the power system operation and the completed tasks for energy saving.

Key indicators were met in full. The task to save fuel and energy resources was accomplished. The tasks for the use of local fuels and renewable energy sources brought by the State Production Association Belenergo have also been accomplished in full.

It was noted that in 2020, electricity production by Belenergo's energy sources amounted to 34.035 billion kWh, electricity exports amounted to 653 million kWh, electricity imports - 154 million kWh, heat energy supply - 32 million Gcal. Specific consumption of equivalent fuel for the supply of electric and thermal energy amounted to 238.5 g / kWh and 166.9 kg / Gcal, respectively. The technological consumption of electricity for its transport in electric networks of the State Production Association "Belenergo" is 8.16%. The technological consumption of heat energy for its transport in the networks is 9.05%. For 2020, Belenergo State Production Association assigned the “energy saving” task in the amount of “minus 3.1%”. For 2020 the estimated value of the energy saving indicator in general for Belenergo State Production Association is “minus 3.2%”. The volume of fuel and energy resources savings due to the implementation of energy saving measures amounted to 176.05 thousand tons of fuel equivalent. On the whole, the State Enterprise Belenergo implemented 116 actions.

The report of the First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the State Production Association "Belenergo" Vladimir Bobrov was devoted to the issues of ensuring the reliable operation of the equipment, the repair campaign, the state of labor protection, safety, and injury prevention.

As a result of the repair campaign, in 2020, capital and medium repairs of 80 units of heating equipment were performed. Electrical equipment was repaired: 20 generators, 4 power transformers, 11 high-voltage 220-330 kV switches, major repairs of 166 substations 35-110 kV. Planned targets for 2020 for overhauls and measures to improve reliability have been achieved in full. Overhaul of 24.148 thousand km of 0.4-750 kV power transmission lines was carried out. Clearing of forest corridors of 10-330 kV overhead lines was carried out on an area of ​​17.524 thousand hectares. RUE-oblenergo, together with the forestry enterprises, put things in order in the forest strips adjacent to the forest corridors of 10-330 kV overhead lines, with a length of 3.909 thousand km.

In 2020, the replacement and installation of heating networks in the amount of 183.09 km in single-pipe assesment was completed. 1924.26 km of 0.4-330 kV power transmission lines were put into operation.

In 2020, the number of accidents decreased compared to 2019. But Mr. Bobrov noted that work on labor protection and prevention of industrial injuries must be constantly monitored. In 2021, it is envisaged to hold the Year of Safe Work in the energy sector through the implementation of actions with the participation of government bodies, trade unions and public organizations. The Ministry of Energy, together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, approved an Action Plan for the Year of Safe Work in the energy sector.

As the main tasks of 2021, the First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the State Production Association "Belenergo" outlined: increasing efficiency and ensuring reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers, reducing the number of failures of all types of equipment operation, eliminating fatalities at production in the organizations of State Production Association "Belenergo", follow timetables for all types of repairs of heat engineering, electrical equipment, heating and electrical networks.

Deputy General Director of the State Production Association «Belenergo» Yury Mitkovets presented the results of the implementation of the most important investment projects of the electric power industry sectorial development program for 2016-2020 in the past year.

In 2020, the installation of electric boilers on energy sources of energy supplying organizations was carried out as part of the implementation of measures for the operational integration of the Belarusian NPP with a total capacity of 826 MW into the balance of the power system. The first and second start-up complexes for the expansion of the 330 kV Baranovichi substation were completed, the reconstruction of the 330-750 kV outdoor switchgear at the Belorusskaya 750 kV substation was finalized.

The main tasks for 2021 are:

  • Commissioning of power unit No. 1 of the Belarusian NPP;
  • Completion of projects for the construction of peak reserve energy sources at Lukoml SDPP and Novopolotsk CHP;
  • Reconstruction of the Mogilev-330 substation;
  • Reconstruction of Minsk CHPP-3.

Andrey Shershen, Deputy General Director of Belenergo State Production Association, in his report analyzed the results of achieving target, estimated and monitored indicators in 2020 in several lines of activities: saving the use of light petroleum products, handing over scrap metal, reducing inventories in warehouses, exporting goods. The Deputy General Director also spoke about the state of consumers payments for the supplied energy. It was noted that the level of payment by consumers for the supplied energy at the end of 2020 amounted to 98.4%. The number of calls received by the sales divisions of power supply organizations has decreased. The implementation of the program for the modernization of technical means of metering continues, as of January 1, 2021, the percentage of electronic meters among subscribers to the total number of meters was 70.19%.

The results of financial and economic activities of organizations and meeting of indicators of business plans for the development of organizations were reflected in the report of the Deputy General Director of the State Production Association "Belenergo" Tatiana Ulashchik. The implementation of activity plan to reduce costs for 2020 at RUE-oblenergo made it possible to obtain a total economic effect of 100.96 million rubles.

During the meeting, reports were also heard on the fulfillment of the requirements of Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 1 "On measures to strengthen public safety and discipline", No. 2 "On de-bureaucratization of the state apparatus and improving the quality of life support for the population" and Decree No. 5 "On strengthening the requirements for leading personnel and employees of organizations ".

Viktor Gavrisyev, Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Energy, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, presented information on the implementation of the sectoral tariff agreement by the organizations in 2020. He noted that the trade union is the first assistant to the employer in the matter of team consolidation and an equal partner in the protection of the legitimate interests of workers.

The heads of regional energy supply organizations reported on the main results of their enterprises in 2020.

Pavel Drozd, Chairman of the Council - General Director of the State Production Association “Belenergo”, thanked the corporate leaders and teams of the association for the work done in 2020, for meeting the targets and ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers. He stressed that our entire team is focused on fulfilling the assigned tasks.

Summing up the results of the meeting, Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich noted that despite the fact that 2020 was not an easy year; in general, Belenergo State Production Association ensured the key indicators meeting. The head of the industry thanked the collectives of the organizations, the central office of the association, the management team and personally Pavel Drozd for their professionalism and for the great work done in difficult conditions. Viktor Karankevich defined the main tasks for the current year:

  • Further improving the efficiency of organizations;
  • Implementation of the most important investment projects on time;
  • Unconditional adherence to labor, financial, production discipline;
  • Work with personnel;
  • High-quality implementation of measures to meet the requirements of Directive No. 1;
  • Continuation of work to eliminate corruption;
  • Prevention of industrial accidents.

The head of the Ministry spoke about the main tasks set for the industry by the Head of State. They were announced during the 6-th All-Belarusian People's Assembly. This is the creation of conditions for a further increase in production efficiency, the creation of conditions for an increase in benefit, respectively, and an increase in wages at enterprises, further work to achieve energy independence of the state, diversify fuel and energy resources, and increase the use of local fuels.

During the meeting, the work plan of the Council of the State Production Association "Belenergo" for 2021 was approved.

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