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The Ministry of Energy of Russia intends to improve the system of long-term planning in the electric power industry

22 июля 2021
Views: 773

The Ministry of Energy of Russia intends to improve the system of long-term planning in the electric power industry and establish common principles and requirements for planning and designing the development of power systems. The Ministry has developed a corresponding draft federal law "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Electric Power Industry ".

“The proposed concept of the federal law will allow restoring the lost centralized planning system in the power industry of Russia, to establish uniform basic principles and requirements,” Minister of Energy Nikolai Shulginov explained.

It is assumed that from January 1, 2023, a specialized organization that solely carries out centralized operational dispatch management in the Unified Power System of Russia, the System Operator (100% of shares of JSC SO UPS "are state-owned).

In addition, from January 1, 2024, the functions of operational and dispatch control in technologically isolated power systems will also be transferred to the "System Operator", which will make it possible to intensify the scaling of the best practices of operational dispatch control throughout the country.

“In package, these solutions will increase the validity and transparency of the future development of the electric power industry, ensure the unity of technical policy in the UPS of Russia and isolated energy systems, which in turn will allow faster and better work on any issues of the development of the electric power infrastructure, especially when solving large-scale state problems,” the Minister explained. ...


For reference:

Joint Stock Company System Operator of the Unified Energy System (JSC SO UPS) is a specialized organization that solely carries out centralized operational dispatch control of the technological regime of the Unified Power System of Russia on the territory of 81 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 9 time zones from the Far East to Kaliningrad. SO UPS solves the problems associated with ensuring the reliable functioning of the UPS of Russia in real time, the long-term reliability of the UPS of Russia, as well as ensuring the technological unity and efficient operation of the electricity and capacity markets. 100% of shares of JSC SO UPS are state-owned.

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