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The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation announced the completion of the preparation of energy companies for the passage of the AWP

18 ноября 2021
Views: 417

The preparation of energy companies and electric power facilities for the autumn-winter period of 2021-2022 has been completed, said Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

“The preparation of energy companies and electric power facilities for the passage of maximum loads in the autumn-winter period has been completed. Together with the Ministry of Construction, Rostekhnadzor, regional authorities, field meetings of the government commission on power supply safety in all federal districts were held, ”he said.

“On November 5, we approved the final results of the readiness assessment of the electric power industry subjects and today in the afternoon at the Coordination Center of the Government of the Russian Federation we will discuss them with the regions and energy companies,” added Shulginov.

According to him, 97% of 454 energy companies have confirmed their full readiness with minor deviations.

As for the companies that did not fulfill all the necessary conditions by November 5, the head of the Ministry of Energy said, the work will continue under the control of both the regional headquarters for the safety of power supply and the government commission for ensuring power supply. In addition, he stressed, plans for responding to emergencies have been formed for these subjects.

The ministry predicts a further increase in energy consumption in the winter months by 3 GW, up to 160 GW, the minister said.

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