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The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan has started developing a new sectoral law on heat and power industry

20 июля 2022
Views: 520

The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed a draft Concept of the draft law "On the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Issues of Heat and Power Industry". Currently, the draft Concept has been published on the Open NLA portal for expert and public approval.

The proposed legislative changes will make it possible to regulate the development of thermal power engineering, increase responsibility for preventing technological violations at the country's energy enterprises, regulate the responsibility of wholesale market entities for non-compliance with daily production-consumption schedules, and will also contribute to the further development of competition in the electricity market.

Taking into account the technological process of generation and consumption of electrical energy, deviations from the daily schedules of domestic consumers create imbalances in the unified electric power system of Kazakhstan, which in turn affects the mode of parallel operation of neighboring power systems within the historically formed infrastructure.

At the same time, the imbalance in the power system of one country, which operates synchronously with other power systems, adversely affects all participants in parallel operation and can lead to self-isolation of one of the systems if critical imbalance indicators in the power system are reached.

During the heating season of 2021-2022, the imbalance of electrical energy reached 1,500 MW (with an allowable 150 MW), which was covered by the energy system of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in order to prevent the single electric power system of Kazakhstan from entering isolated operation due to the impossibility of maintaining the operating parameters of the power system, it is necessary to ensure the introduction of a balancing electric power market.

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