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The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus proposes to discuss the use of protected zones of power grids

29 августа 2022
Views: 104

The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus has submitted for public discussion a draft resolution of the Council of Ministers "On the protected zones of electrical networks, the size and mode of their use", BelTA informs with reference to the National Legal Internet Portal.

The draft resolution is aimed at ensuring systemic and comprehensive legal regulation of land relations in connection with the establishment of protective zones of electrical networks and the mode of their use.

At the same time, such tasks are set as ensuring the safety of electrical networks, creating a regime for their safe operation, preventing accidents and fires as a result of exposure to electric current, preventing harm to consumers of electrical energy and organizations that own, manage or manage electrical networks. .

For example, the draft document regulates the requirement to install signs prohibiting fishing in the buffer zone of overhead power lines at their intersection or proximity to surface water bodies, as well as in places of possible flooding by flood waters, directly near the coastline, taking into account the possible seasonal rise in water level. This measure is aimed at preventing accidents.

You can express your comments and suggestions in a special topic at the Legal Forum of Belarus from August 29 to September 8.

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