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The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic signed a memorandum with one of the divisions of Rosatom - the NovaWind company

21 февраля 2023
Views: 241

The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic and NovaWind JSC signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in the implementation of wind energy projects. This was reported on February 21 in the press service of the department.

According to the information, the parties intend to consider and explore the possibilities of cooperation within the framework of the implementation of projects for the construction and operation of wind power stations in the Kyrgyz Republic, aimed at improving and increasing the efficiency, reliability and security of energy supply.

“Our republic has great potential in the field of power generation. I am sure that the development of wind energy projects will not only diversify the national energy portfolio and strengthen the security of energy supply, but will also increase tax revenues to the budget and create new jobs. I am convinced that our cooperation will make it possible to fully realize the natural opportunities for the benefit of our republic and its inhabitants,” Minister of Energy Taalaibek Ibraev commented on the deal.

Grigory Nazarov, General Director of NovaWind JSC, noted that despite external restrictions, cooperation with friendly states continues to strengthen.

“The signed agreement opens up new prospects for the implementation of wind energy projects for us. We have extensive experience in the construction and operation of wind farms. Seven wind farms are already successfully operating in three regions in southern Russia. The emergence of wind farms in the Kyrgyz Republic will not only improve the quality and reliability of energy supply in the region, but will also contribute to an increase in the share of "green" energy. I hope that our cooperation will be successful,” said the CEO of the company.



JSC "NovaWind" is a wind energy division of the State Corporation "Rosatom". The company was founded in September 2017.

The NovaWind circuit concentrates the management of all Rosatom competencies in the wind energy industry - from design and construction to power engineering and the operation of wind power plants.

To date, NovaWind JSC has put into operation 780 MW of wind power capacities. In total, by 2027, Rosatom will put into operation wind power plants with a total capacity of about 1.7 GW.

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