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The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan will work out in detail the instructions of the President on a referendum on the construction of nuclear power plants

02 сентября 2023
Views: 113

The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan will work out in detail the instructions of the President on a referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant, Kazinform reports. “In the course of his Address to the people of Kazakhstan, the President of the country, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, proposed to put the issue of building or refusing to build a nuclear power plant (NPP) to a national referendum. The Ministry of Energy, together with other state bodies, Meeemvers of Parliament, industry experts and public activists, will soon work out all possible details of the implementation of this Presidential order and other aspects and provide the public with detailed information,” the ministry’s press service said.

The specialists will also have to determine the wording of the issue that will be put to the general vote. The timing of the referendum will be announced later.

"I think the referendum is primarily aimed at ensuring that the people of Kazakhstan speak out for the need to develop these technologies, and the Government, for its part, will propose those solutions that will suit society," said Almasadam Satkaliyev, head of the Ministry of Energy.

As reported, on August 22, 2023 in the village Ulken of  Zhambyl district, Almaty region, public discussions were held on the construction of a nuclear power plant.

During the discussions, the local population supported the development of nuclear energy in the region and noted its high importance for the socio-economic development of their territories.

Some public figures took the initiative to hold additional discussions in other nearby regions in order to ensure transparency and open dialogue with the public, taking into account the opinions and interests of all stakeholders.

When voicing the Message to the people of Kazakhstan, the President of the country K. Tokayev stressed that it is necessary to continue a comprehensive broad discussion on this issue and submit it to a national referendum.

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