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The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation presented a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on generation attributes and certificates of origin of electrical energy

19 сентября 2023
Views: 124

The Russian Ministry of Energy published a draft decree of the Russian government “On generation attributes and certificates of origin of electrical energy” for public hearings.

As explained in the “Market Council”, the project intends to approve:

— Rules for the qualification of generating facilities operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources and (or) being low-carbon generating facilities, and Rules for determining the degree of localization on the territory of the Russian Federation of production of main and (or) auxiliary generating equipment for the production of electrical energy using renewable energy sources for a generating facility and indicator of export of industrial products instead of the current Qualification Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2008 No. 426, according to which qualification is carried out by the Market Council and only in relation to generating facilities operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources. The project also defines a commercial infrastructure organization authorized to qualify generating facilities - Energy Certification Center LLC.

— Rules for maintaining a register of generation attributes, provision, circulation and redemption of certificates of origin of electrical energy, which establish the legal basis for the functioning of the system of circulation of generation attributes and certificates of origin of electrical energy and maintaining a register of generation attributes.

These rules will establish the legal basis for the functioning of the system for circulation of generation attributes and certificates of origin of electrical energy and maintaining a register of generation attributes.

The explanatory note to the draft resolution states that the draft rules for maintaining the register, in particular, define:

— information to be recorded in the register of generation attributes;

— the procedure for determining the volume of generation attributes arising from the production of electrical energy;

— the procedure for taking into account the fact of occurrence of generation attributes;

— the procedure for accounting for the transfer by owners of qualified generating objects of generation attributes and the emergence of rights to perform actions with them;

— the procedure for providing certificates of origin (including the list of documents and information provided to obtain certificates of origin) and the procedure for determining the number of certificates of origin to be provided;

— information contained in the certificate of origin, requirements for the form and content of certificates of origin;

— procedure for redemption of certificates of origin;

— validity periods of generation attributes, certificates of origin;

— the volume of generation attributes certified by one certificate of origin;

— the procedure for making entries on personal accounts, including requirements for the form and content of applications from owners of qualified generating facilities and orders from owners of certificates of origin, on the basis of which these entries are made;

— a list of documents and information, the provision of which is necessary to open a personal account in the register of generation attributes;

— the composition of the information to be disclosed contained in the register of generation attributes, the procedure and methods for its disclosure;

— the procedure for concluding with a commercial infrastructure organization maintaining a register of generation attributes an agreement on maintaining a register of generation attributes, the essential terms of such an agreement, as well as an agreement on information interaction.

The project also provides for changes to other acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, aimed at bringing them into compliance with the Federal Law of August 4, 2023 No. 489-FZ and the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation proposed for adoption.

The closing date for public hearings is September 29, 2023.

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