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The Ministry of Energy estimates the volume of investments in the electric power industry of the Russian Federation over the past 10 years at 6 trillion rubles

15 марта 2023
Views: 110

Over the past 10 years, the development of the Russian electric power industry has attracted

6 trillion rubles of investment, Andrey Maksimov, director of the Department of Electric Power Industry of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, said at the RSPP forum "Energy Strategy of Russia: Results of the Past Twenty Years and Future Prospects" on Monday, March 13.

“Over the past 10 years, more than 6 trillion rubles of investments. This is 3.4 trillion for generation and 2.6 trillion for the power grid complex,” Maximov said, quoted by the press service of the Ministry of Energy.

In particular, investments made it possible to upgrade 136 generating facilities within the framework of the first energy capacity modernization program (CPA-1) at 94 power plants in 43 Russian regions. Also, a program for the modernization of thermal generation (COMMod) has been implemented and is currently operating, within which 27 GW of generating capacities have been selected to date.

Over the same period, according to the Ministry of Energy, electricity losses in the power grid complex have been reduced from 11.4 to 10.4%, and the average time to restore power supply after power outages has decreased by 45%. In addition, the optimization of processes related to connection to electricity continues. This procedure is automated and maximally reduced in time.

Andrei Maksimov noted that over the past 20 years, the system of state administration and regulation of the industry as a whole have changed quite seriously. We are talking about the creation of the “Market Council”, and about the distribution of functions, which allowed each company to focus on a specific area and work more productively. Moreover, according to Maksimov, this made it possible to create elements of competition.

At the same time, the technological connection has remained - all parameters are maintained and the "System Operator" as an independent element of this system has only strengthened its positions, he noted.

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