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The Ministry of Energy informs about the CASA-1000 construction progress in Kyrgyzstan

13 июня 2023
Views: 95

As part of the implementation of the CASA-1000 project in Kyrgyzstan, a 500 kV power transmission line and a 500 kV cell at the Datka substation construction continues.

At the moment, work has been completed on laying access roads to the transmission towers, digging pits and pouring concrete foundations for all 1243 transmission towers. Work is underway on the installation of transmission towers, where 1,125 transmission towers have already been installed, and wires have been suspended at 186.8 km.

In total, 456 kilometers of transmission lines will be laid in Kyrgyzstan from a 500 kV cell at the Datka substation.

Reference: CASA-1000 is designed to connect the energy systems of Central Asia with South Asia - Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan with Afghanistan and Pakistan. This will enable the development of electricity trading mechanisms in accordance with international standards.

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