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The Ministry of Energy of Russia approved new rules for working with personnel in the electric power industry

20 января 2021
Views: 2471

The Ministry of Justice registered the order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 796 "On approval of the Rules for work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation."

The rules establish training requirements for electric power industry organizations employees to work at power facilities, including carrying out mandatory forms of work with these personnel, maintaining and improving their qualifications. These requirements must be taken into account in instructions and regulations, as well as in organizational and administrative documents in force in energy organizations.

The order of the Ministry of Energy puts in order terms and definitions, formalizes mandatory forms of work with personnel: internships, pre-examination training and knowledge testing, duplication, job instructions, special training, emergency and fire safety training, additional professional education (maintaining (improving) qualifications), walkdowns and examinations of workplaces.

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