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The national electric network of Kazakhstan is expected to undergo a radical modernization

15 апреля 2022
Views: 351

The Ministry of Energy of the country approved the Forecast balance of electric energy and capacity of the Unified Power System of Kazakhstan (UPS) until 2035. To cover the prospective energy consumption in the UPS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by 2035 it is planned to introduce about 17.5 GW of new generating capacities. Their structure is represented by various technologies and their locations.

In this regard, KEGOC announces that it is starting to develop a predictive model of the National Electric Grid development.

The large-scale modernization of the National Electric Grid must be synchronized with the commissioning of new generating capacities, ensuring the necessary interregional and interstate power flows.

The future configuration of the National Electric Grid, using modern Smart Grid technologies, should ensure the energy security of the country by creating conditions for the connection of the western energy zone with the UPS of Kazakhstan, strengthening the southern energy zone with the ability to work, if necessary, separately from the inegrated energy system of Central Asia. Modernization provides for a large-scale involvement in the energy balance of renewable energy sources in the western, eastern and southern regions of the country, taking into account the unique wind potential of the Dzhungar Gates and the Shelek Corridor through the construction of the necessary network infrastructure and the introduction of energy storage systems.

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