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The National Selection of the League of Young Specialists of the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" was held at Belenergo

06 сентября 2023
Views: 148

The national qualifying stage of the League of Young Professionals of the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" has ended. For the first time, participants of the competition from State Production Association Belenergo and State Production Association Beltopgaz presented cases on low-carbon energy to the expert jury.

Vasily Bormatin, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council, delivered a welcoming speech. He noted that for the first time in the history of the Championship, national selections are held and the expansion of the geography of the competitive movement is a good trend. Vasily Bormatin wished the participants to prove themselves and said that the organizers would be happy to see the winners of the national selection in Moscow in the final at the International stage of the competition.

Opening the competition, Yury Shmakov, First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of Belenergo, thanked the organizers for their help in preparing the national qualifying stage and noted that holding such competitions expands the boundaries of international cooperation and professional interaction. He wished the teams a fair fight, and impartial refereeing to the expert commission.

In total, more than 47 people in 12 teams took part in the competition. Teams of all RUE-oblenergos, the State Enterprise "Belarusian NPP", RUE "BELTEI", as well as UE "Mingaz" and teams of regional gas supply organizations from Brest, Gomel and Mogilev presented their projects.

КThe contestants were in for a tough fight. As part of the competition, the participants presented projects that minimize the carbon footprint from the activities of electric power facilities, as well as cases on energy saving and energy accumulation. The projects were well calculated in terms of costs, taking into account technological independence with the development of a risk map for implementation. In the cases of the teams, the topics of heat pumps, hydrogen energy, wind, solar and biogas power plants were noted. Some of the teams devoted their presentations to the issues of energy storage devices, from classical pumped storage to pneumatic and gravitational ones.

The expert team that evaluated the participants' cases consisted of authoritative representatives of design institutes, heads of leading educational institutions and the Power Engineering Training Center, heads of organizations in the energy and gas industry. The main task of the expert pool was to identify the strongest team that could rise to the podium in the finals of the international stage of the competition.

After hearing all the participants, the expert group made their assessments. According to the rules of the competition, within 5 days the results will be summed up and the winners of the national selection will be announced.


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