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The order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia was published, which approved the new Guidelines for the design of the development of energy systems

10 января 2023
Views: 485

The Ministry of Justice of Russia registered and officially published Order No. 1286 of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 6, 2022, which approved the new Guidelines for the design of energy systems development.

The document was developed with the participation of JSC "SO UPS" and JSC "STC UPS" and forms the methodological basis for the implementation from January 1, 2023 of a new planning system for the long-term development of the electric power industry.

The Guidelines for designing the development of power systems that have been in force so far contained generalized provisions without disclosing the methodology for designing power systems.

“Methodological guidelines establish uniform, common requirements for all industry entities for planning the future shape of the power system, including the development of generating capacities and the power grid complex. The key goal of the new document is to ensure the adoption of technically sound, cost-effective and balanced solutions in the process of long-term planning in line with the current socio-economic needs of the country and, at the same time, to achieve compliance with the established parameters for the reliability of the power system and power supply to consumers,” emphasized Fyodor Opadchiy, Chairman of the Management Board of the System Operator.

The document establishes requirements for the development of a general scheme, a scheme and a program for the development of electric power systems in Russia, the definition of technical solutions for the development of power distribution schemes, external power supply schemes, technological connection to electric networks, construction, reconstruction of electric power facilities, their modernization and technical re-equipment, as well as development of replacement measures necessary to ensure the possibility of decommissioning electric power facilities.

“The key criterion for the formation of technical solutions, established by the Methodological Guidelines, is the minimum of the total discounted costs to cover the predicted consumption of electricity and power, taking into account the technical and economic characteristics of the options for the development of electric power facilities, characteristic regime-balance conditions and various combinations of circuit-mode situations in the power system. This criterion should be guided by when solving the problem of forming the structure of generating capacities, determining the feasibility of implementing capital-intensive measures for the development of electrical networks”, says a representative of the company that participated in the development of the document, Petr Antonov, Deputy General Director - Head of the Directorate for the Development of Energy Systems of NTC UPS JSC.

The Guidelines are a document that is mandatory for execution by public authorities, the System Operator, electric power industry entities and consumers of electric energy, as well as design organizations that develop relevant technical solutions.

When developing the Guidelines, the experience of designing power systems and planning the long-term development of the electric power industry, accumulated by leading industry scientific and design organizations, was taken into account.

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