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The present standards in the field of electric power industry in Uzbekistan are being revised

26 января 2021
Views: 1995

Electricity standards in force in Uzbekistan are being gradually revised based on international standards.

To speed up this process, the French company Assystem Engineering and Operation Services SAS was involved in the analysis of the standards. This work is carried out within the implementation of the Decree of the President of the country "On the strategy for further development and reform of the electric power industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (dated March 27, 2019, No. PP-4249).

To this end, under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan, four working groups were established with the participation of leading experts, operators, design institutes, as well as manufacturers of electrical equipment to consider more than 700 standards in the field of high-voltage power lines, substations, relay protection, and electromagnetic compatibility.

Of the total number, 536 standards were recognized as not meeting modern requirements. Currently, there is a process of replacing them with international standards, carried out by the Agency "Uzstandard".

In 2021, this work will continue, in particular, standards for low-voltage power grids, solar and wind power plants will be reviewed and adapted to modern requirements.

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